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Student life

Find out just some of the ways we work with you during your studies to make your time as an Escape Studios student a fun, supportive and memorable experience!

The Student Experience Team are your best friends during your time here. Studying can be stressful, and the pressure can build but luckily, you’ll have the Student Experience’s support throughout! 

They are on-hand from the start to make your enrolment and settling process as smooth as possible. During your studies their main aim is to get you the help and information you need and hey, if they can’t, they will find out who can! 

The team are advocates for regular wellbeing workshops. You always come first, and they are here to guide you along both your academic journey and through any doubts you may feel during your studies. The College also has an amazing on-site counselling team to support you whenever you need. Academic success is strongly linked with your personal health!

There is more to life than studying, and the Student Experience team wants to elevate every aspect of your experience. With that in mind, we have an amazing array of events and social get-togethers put on just for you! 

From bus parties to annual student work showcases, or the unique annual welcome week for new students, our diverse events underpin the identity of our college and really make our students' creativity stand out. Our events cater for the specific interests of our students. There will always be a niche you can relate to. 

Regular events can include... 

  • Our “An Evening With...” series (where professionals from our industry partners come to share personal stories and expert advice)

  • Game nights 

  • Cinema screenings (sometimes with Q&As from industry partners who worked on the films!) 

  • Creative writing and drawing clubs

The Escape Student Association is a student-led organisation that is run by students, for students and is a major part of student life here. 

They oversee all of the student-run clubs and societies so there's something for everyone. Whether you want to gain experience, make friends or simply just try something new. Any student can join any club or society regardless of their previous experience and if you don't spot something you fancy then, why not start up your own! Recent student societies have included LGBTQ+, Afro-Caribbean, Asian, E-sports, Women in Business, Dance, Football and many more! 

In addition, they host many events throughout the year such as a summer bash party, a variety of charity events plus the annual Christmas and Halloween Parties!

Our amazing Studio Assistants are an invaluable part of the team and are always around to ensure you are on the right track. 

They are on-hand during studio class time, providing support covering software questions, work feedback, shot/portfolio advice and problem-solving. As Escape Studios alumni, our Studio Assistants have been through it all before, making them the perfect people to help and understand every step of your course.